09 September 2016

Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici applicationes

Hoffstetten, Benno Ignatius von, Joseph Zweissig and Nicolaus Tolent Feichtmayr. 1765. Tractatio de theoria descensus et ascensus gravium obliqui ejusque multiplici applicationes. Franz Joseph Thuille, Munich, Engraved foldout frontis, x, 74 p. 3 plates, xxii.

Folio, marbled paper cover hinge cracked at lower portion of book, about 2 inches. Overall very good condition.

First edition of a thesis on the motion of falling bodies and pendula. This Thesis by Benno Ignatius von Heffstetten. It appears Joseph Zweissig and Nicolaus Tolent Fiechtmayr were professors overseeing the Thesis, but I am not certain.

Joseph Anton Zimmermann (1715-1797) was a Bavarian Engraver. The frontis for this work is by Zimmerman. It is unclear if Zimmerman also engraved the three plates. The Frontis is an allegorical portrait of Maximilian III Joseph, Duke of Bavaria.

This book is available for sale - click on the bookstore link above or here. If the book does not appear on those links it may have been sold. You can still see images of the fronts and plates from the book on the Natural History Decor website (link above) or by clicking here.


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